Whole school

Rule of Law - Fundamental British Values Assembly
Assembly presentation and video resource covering:
Fundamental British Values
Rule of Law
Equalities Act 2010
Human Rights Act 1998

Pride Month Assembly
An assembly presentation for KS3 and KS4 on Pride month. Addresses Equality, Diversity and Inclusion.

Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II - In Memory
I hope this may be useful in addressing the passing of the Queen.
I have included assembly resources including a video presentation and the original PPT. presentation.

Parent Session - Talking about Spiritual Moral Social Cultural Development
A parent session to encourage SMSC conversations at home.
Includes the presentation and a video

Parent Session Talking to your child about RSE
The presentation for a session shared with parents and as an in-person talk before discussion.

Assembly PRIDE
An assembly to celebrate and explore PRIDE month and the concept of pride.
PowerPoint Presentation
Recorded video assembly

British Values Assembly Bundle
Assemblies on each of the fundamental British values, along with an assembly on the Equality Act 2010.
All assemblies contain a video presentation of the assembly, along with the PPT. presentation to adapt to your needs.

British Values Assembly LIFE - Liberty
An assembly based on the British Value of life, reflecting on the UNDHR, ECHR and the Human rights act.
PPT. presentation for assembly
Video presentation for assembly

British Values Assembly - VOICE - Democracy
An assembly on British values, and particularly democratic voice, both in society and in schools.
Video presentation
PPT. Presentation

Assembly - SAFE - Equality Act 2010 Diversity & Equality
An assembly exploring need to celebrate diversity and equality, reminding students of protected characteristics under the Equality Act 2010

Assembly British Values Mutual Respect and Tolerance
Fundamental British Values Assembly - Full Presentation resource, including a video version for guidance on presenting the assembly, either online or in person.